Carbon Micro-coil [CMC]
Coil Diameter:~1μm
Coil Wire:~100nm
Coil Length:10~30μm
Carbon Purify:>95%
Carbon microcoil has a spring shape and is made from carbon. CMC does not exist naturally; CMC can be synthesized by CVD method.
"carbon microcoil" is so called because the diameter of each coil of CMC is around a micrometer. There are also carbon coils which diameter is less than 1 micrometer, which are usually called as"carbon nanocoil". For simplicity here, we call these microcoils and nanocoils together as carbon microcoils.
The conductivity of a single CMC will be worse than a single CNT, but the bulk conductivity is better than CNT. Because CMC has a spring structure and the conductivity changes due to its expansion and contraction, CMC can be used as the material of stress sensor. CMC radio wave
CMC is known as a good radio wave absorbent, particularly at higher frequencies (1GHz-100GHz). The stealth effect of the electromagnetic waves is due to its spiral coil shape, which is just equivalent to a inductance coil.
CMC can also be used as a high-frequency induction heater material, because it absorb high-frequency induction electromagnetic waves with a high efficiency.
Because the major crystalline structure of CMC is amorphous, a CMC contains a large quantity of active sites on its surfaces, so that others molecules or nanoparticles are easily be supported on the surfaces.

As-grown CMC Moss-shaped as grown CMC

CMC coated with Ag nanoparticles CMC coated with Ni nanoparticles