Carbon Nanotubes (solution/paste)
This is a CNT product in paste form produced through solvent dispersion of LLCNT. Because our LLCNT has a bundle structure, we unravel the bundles before the solvent dispersion. The two ends of each unravel CNT bundle are opened and a form like a "broom" is formed. These broom-like bundles dispersed into a solution form a unique "broom network", which results to a good cross-linking performance and a extremely high conductivity

CNT-Aqua [CNT water dispersion]

1% of LLCNT are dispersed into a water solution. Useful for coating CNT films or mixing CNT into composite materials. Water will be evaporated and only CNTs will remain.

1-5wt% of LLCNT are dispersed into silicone oil solution in a paste form.
We roughly compared the conductive performances of CNT-paste and carbon-black-paste with a same content percentage. Each of the pastes is coated on a glass to form a thin film. Even if the film of CNT-paste was much thinner than that of carbon-black-paste, the resistance of the CNT-paste (left-hand picture) was 50-times higher than that of the carbon-black-paste (right-hand picture).

Conductive CNT-silicone rubber films can also be made simply by hardening the CNT-silicone paste with a curing agent.